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Here's how I use my Bullet Journal. At the end of every month, I set aside a few minutes to set up the next. I write the name of the month, list the dates and days, scan my Future Log and insert relevant events and appointments, and after looking at the overview of my month, decide if I also need to set up a Monthly Task List or simply go with what each day or week calls for. Bullet Journal 2021 Calendar Printables 8. Minimalist Overview for the Year Via 101planners.com. All credit for the year at a glance calendar printables above goes to 101planners.com, There are quite a few designs to choose from and you can download any of them for free!. These ones are perfect if you want a minimalist, but still hand drawn, look. Bullet journaling, also known as BuJo, has taken over social media as the trendy way to plan, organize, and reflect. Here, we break down what bullet journaling is, how to do it, and what tools are

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WATCH NEXT: 24 Hours Locked in my Art Room! https://bit.ly/ArtRoom24Hours☆ Subscribe » http://bit.ly/2cO2fGA My first bullet journal ever! 📓Welcome to this Bullet journal doodles make every journal so much cuter and they are a great way to brighten up your pages. The best thing is you don’t even need to be good at drawing because there are tons of step by step bullet journal doodles and they can be done in less than 5 minutes. Bullet journals have quickly become a popular medium for organizing one's thoughts, days, and projects. With Elisi, the intuitive online bullet journal app, you can improve your productivity in the digital realm across iOS, Android, and Mac as well as the web. Try Elisi on your device today!