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is there any software or ways to look in to other pc monitor? my friend sai there is an software where if we give an IP address mean we can see wat they are doing in their PC. thanks. is there any software or ways to look in to other pc moni Up to the minute technology news covering computing, home entertainment systems, gadgets and more. TechRadar By Michelle Rae Uy, Bill Thomas Buying Guide Equipped with the latest processors and graphics cards, these are the best gaming PCs Microsoft and a number of other PC manufacturers are trying to revive the PC with new forms and functions. Can they make the PC an exciting product again? Andrew Burton/Getty Images It wasn’t that many years ago that the PC was the powerhou Will the PC inherit traits from its younger tablet siblings? Here's why that may be a good--and not-so-good--thing. By Nick Mediati PCWorld | Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's Editors Top Deals On Great Products Picked by Techconn Bugsnax is an easy game to recommend for players of all ages. It blends a Pixar-worthy narrative with challenging puzzles, a compelling mystery and interesting characters — but it is the unconditionally innocent whimsy that will put a helpl 全球首款熟人社交K歌应用,集合练歌模式、好友PK等特色功能,还能和好友互发弹幕互动,赶紧下载和小伙伴一起争夺擂主吧! 【不打烊的私人口袋K歌房】 ——多种房间皮肤随心换,要内涵更要颜值——全天候主题派对,24小时不打烊——专属语音席,实时连麦互动,K歌从此无距离——超
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